Web Browser, Free/Open Source, AI, and etc..

Rust 기반 OpenGL animation toolkit

오랜 숙원사업(?) 첫삽을 떴습니다. 나만의 오픈소스 프로젝트를 시작해보려고 그동안 여러 시도를 해왔지만, 생각 만큼 진척이 없었습니다. 무엇보다도 부끄럽지 않은 결과를 만들어보고 공개하자는 맘이 앞서다 보니, 뭘 만들어도 막상 공개하려면 부끄러움이 앞서더군요. 하지만 어떤 피드백 없이 혼자 꾸역 꾸역 뭔가 만들어 나가는 것도 보통 의지가 없으면 안됩니다. 리누스 토발즈가 말했는이, 제대로된 구조 보다 일단 동작 가능하게 만들어야 한다. 그리고 자주 업데이트하고 릴리스 하면 된다는 말을 떠올리면 일단 최소한 동작 가능한 수준에서 공개를 했습니다.…
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Caret should respect text background color

History I fixed a caret color issue in WebKit in 2013, but I found out there was a regression, which made me work this issue again and finally fixed it. o/ It was a bit hard for me because I had not worked on WebKit since Chromium forked from the WebKit project in 2013. The source code has been changed and I almost forgot how to deal with layout test errors.…
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Enhancing Puppeteer with Proxy Support

Puppeteer is a popular Node.js library for controlling headless Chrome. It allows developers to automate tasks such as web scraping and testing. However, until recently, Puppeteer did not support proxy settings for each BrowserContext. This meant that if you wanted to use a proxy with Puppeteer, you had to set it globally for all BrowserContexts. You were not able to set a diffrent proxy for each indivisual BrowseContext at runtime.…
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The WindowService2(?) of CrOS

Recently, WS was replaced with WS2: 1144255 window-service: removes mus_demo, test_wm, and some unnecessary deps Issue 865689 Remove window-service I ran mus_demo to test ozone-gbm, but now it’s gone. :-( So, I need to figure it out what is the difference between WS1 and WS2. What is the Window Service of ChromeOS? Window Service is a kind of Window Compositor like Weston. It is a separate process from the browser process in CrOS.…
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Linux Container for ChromeOS

Recently, ChromeOS started to support Linux applications on ChomeOS. Google hasn’t allowed ChromeOS to run native applications due to security reasons. Finally, they found a way to support Linux applications through the container technology. It is worth to read a discussion on CrOSVM on Hacker News because the original author joined the discussion. Here is the article about the ChromeOS Linux container. https://www.zdnet.com/article/chrome-os-could-be-getting-containers-for-running-linux-vms/ There is a Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9mrR2tqVbQ Here is the readme about CrOSVM:…
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Making Use Of Chrome's Ozone-GBM Intel Graphics Support On The Linux Desktop

Recently, I published a blog article about making Use Of Chrome’s Ozone-GBM Intel Graphics Support On The Linux Desktop. This is about using ChromeOS graphics stack for a regular Linux system. This article was also mentioned in Phoronix. Originally, my old colleague started working on this a long time ago, but it has been broken since then. So I have been trying to enable ozone-gbm on a Linux system because this solution would be useful for embedded systems.…
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Rust & DRM

I was surprised that there are many low-level graphics projects written in Rust and I started looking into one of them: drm-rs. Then, I added an example for handling page-flip event. drm-rs is a subproject of Smithay that is a wayland compositor written in Rust. It allows Rust applications to access the Direct Rendering Manger(DRM), a subsystem of the Linux Kernel. So, we could directly paint something into a frame buffer and render it on the display using DRM APIs.…
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I attended BlinkOn9 from April 18 to 19, 2019. Here is the official page: bit.ly/blinkon9-info, presentations, and Lightning Talks. At this conference, I talked about acelerating graphics performance with ozone-gbm on Intel based Linux desktop systems: explained what kind of hardware accelerations have been applied to Intel based Chromebooks and how we can use them on a Linux desktop. Here is a demo video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CY7X6vWD_wo…
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Setting up NFS in OpenStep

If your server or host PC supports NFS, you can set up shared directories for OpenStep. For example, if the shared folder is nfs://, you can add the imported directory in NFSManager.app as follows: Run mount command in OpenStep to mount a remote directory as follows:``` $ mount -t /coreonion * [https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/apple-mac-osx-nfs-mount-command-tutorial/](https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/apple-mac-osx-nfs-mount-command-tutorial/) * [http://nextstep.onionmixer.net/wordpress/?p=139](http://nextstep.onionmixer.net/wordpress/?p=139) …
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Installing OpenStep 4.2 on Parallels

NextStep is one of the advanced operating systems in 90s. You may understand why it is by watching this video: Every features Steve Jobs introduced in this video was possible in 1992, which is amazing. So I’ve dreamed of using NextStep since I was aware of it, but I’ve never seen a running demo and just saw a NexTCube. By chance, I found instructions how to install OpenStep 4.2 on Parallels.…
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