Fennec is running on SAMSUNG i780

Posted on Mar 27, 2009

I was told a very good news from Blassey blog.

Doug Turner solved the test blocker of Fennec for Windows Mobile.

I was delight to hear the new because I had tried several times to run Fennec on my SAMSUNG i780 (called Mirage in Korea). I had failed to run Fennec.

Fennec1.0 alpha for Windows Mobile

Fennec1.0 alpha for Windows Mobile

Tooday, I tried to build Fennec for Windows Mobile from the trunk of Mozilla.

It is working well, but very slow on i780.

I found several problems as follows,

- Multiple instances

- Long start-up time

- IME button not disappeared

- Broken Hangul(Korean)

I will file up these problems on the Bugzilla and try to fix them.