Real Full Browsing in Korea

Posted on Apr 5, 2008

LG Telelcom, the smallest of three telecom operators in Korea launched mobile full browsing service with an attractive fixed-rate plan that allows unlimited data download within 6 month and 1G bytes after then for 6,000 won ($6) per month.

Other telecom operators also have provided mobile full browsing service, but the rate plan is very expensive. For example, SK telecom charges about 3072Won(3$) per 1MB for data transfer.

The full browser was provided by Infraware that is a Korean company. It features Ajax and zoomo-in/out so the user can use most of features of the Web.

But there are still limitations of using the Internet. This service is only for browsing the Web. Other kinds of network access are limited by expensive rate such as on-line game, Internet accessible applications. There is also limitation of data download although 1G bytes is large size of data.

Anyway, this would be a significant change for mobile web in Korea. Therefore, many of the user will be able to experience real full browsing in mobile environment from now.

I’m looking forward to another new services which provide more open environment at an affordable price for users

* Reference