Web Browser, Free/Open Source, AI, and etc..

Contribution to Llama-recipes project

I’m excited to share my recent contribution to the llama-recipes, a project used for fine-tuning Llama2. I’ve been working on fine-tuning the Lamma model since its open-source release. Initially, I utilized the alpaca-lora project, which enabled fine-tuning Lamma using a consumer’s NVidia GPU. This was a significant advantage as it allowed me to develop my own version of ChatGpt. However, the LLM industry moves at a rapid pace: Meta released Lamma2 shortly after.…
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Loz Update: Now with Local LLM Support and Natural Language Linux Commands

I’ve been developing the Loz project in my spare time for nearly a year. It’s now ready for others to use, so I’m excited to share the latest updates. https://github.com/joone/loz Support for Local LLM Initially, Loz only supported the OpenAI API. A friend inquired about integrating open-source LLMs like Llama2, which isn’t straightforward to set up on a user’s computer. I discovered a project called Ollama that simplifies the installation of various open-source LLMs with a single command.…
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Understanding the <aside> Element in Web Accessibility: Standards, Challenges, and Cross-Browser Compatibility

The <aside> element The <aside>element is typically used for displaying additional information that complements the main content. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/aside How is the <aside>element handled in the accessibility tree? Each HTML element has a specific role in the accessibility tree, helping users in navigating content via assistive tools like VoiceOver. For example, the <aside>element assumes a complementary role in the Accessibility Tree. However, in certain exceptional cases, the <aside>element does not assume this complementary role.…
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Loz, A Command-Line Interface Tool for ChatGPT

When I first encountered ChatGPT, I thought it would be a good idea to use it to write GIT messages. I often spend a lot of time writing and updating GIT messages to explain my changes in a better and more concise way, but it is not always easy. So, I implemented a small CLI tool called Loz to write GIT messages in a GIT repository. It worked well, and some people started using it and contributing to my project.…
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The new Headless mode now supports disabling lazy loading

Recently, I added support for disabling lazy loading to the new headless Chromium. Since the Google Chrome team announced the new headless mode, the new headless mode has gradually supported the old headless features. This was one of the missing features. But, what does disabling lazy loading actually mean? First, we need to understand what lazy loading is on the Web. Lazy loading is a technique that delays the loading of resources until they are needed.…
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Typescript Starter

If you work on Node.js or TypeScript, you may have your own initial setup for development. I have worked on several Node projects with TypeScript, and I have developed my own project starter or template. I put together the commonly used functionality and made it into a project, which I published on GitHub. https://github.com/joone/typescript-template Of course, there is a similar project maintained by Microsoft, but it has too many features. I made my project starter with the level of features that I wanted.…
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5k tiled dual DP (two-pipe, two-port) display sync issues

https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/intel/-/issues/27 5K 모니터를 우분투 20.04에서 설정하다가 재미있는 xrandr 사용 방법을 알게되었다. 아직까지 리눅스 데스크탑 여전히 일반 사용자가 쓰기 어려운 이유는 하드웨어가 제대로 지원되지 않는 부분이다. 물론 많이 좋아졌지만, Nvida GPU를 제대로 설정하기란 어려운 일이다. 어쩔 수 없이 open source version을 설치하고서나야 겨우 외장 모니터를 사용할 수 있었는데, 5k출력이 잘 안된다. 5k 출력은 두 DP 포트를 이용해서 화면에 절반씩 렌더링하는 구조로 되어 있는 듯 하다. 아마 하나의 DP가 bandwidth가 못받쳐줘서 그런 듯 보인다.…
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타입스크립트(Typescript) 스타터 코드

프로젝트가 반복되면 재사용되는 코드가 많아질 수 밖에 없다. 여러가지 툴을 타입스크립트를 작성하다 보니 그 동안 공통적으로 사용하고 있는 기능을 묶어서 프로젝트로 만들어서 github에 공개해봤다. https://github.com/joone/typescript-template 물론, MS가 만든 비슷한 프로젝트도 있는데, 너무 기능이 많고, 내가 원하는 수준에서 만들었는데, 아마도 필요한 분이 있을것 같다. 일단, 프로젝트는 clone하면 기본적으로 아래 package를 사용할 수 있고, 간단한 웹서비스가 구현되어 있다. express.js eslint mocha chai prettier typeorm mongodb Docker MongoDB를 사용하는 방법이 두가지 있는데, typeorm와 mongoose를 사용한 것 코드를 별도 branch로 분리해두었다.…
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만화로 보는 gpl-violations.org 이야기

https://joone.net/2022/08/31/46-gpl-violations-org/ 내용을 요약하면, 하랄드 벨테(Harald Welte)라는 독일 출신 리눅스 해커는 gpl-violations.org라는 사이트를 만들어 GPL 라이선스를 위반한 업체를 찾아 직접 소송을 제기 2012년까지 소송한 건수는 100여개 이르렀고 모든 소송에서 승리 각 기업들은 소스코드를 공개를 위한 웹사이트를 만들었고, 각 기기에서 사용되는 코드를 검증하는 상용툴을 사용하기 시작함 게임기 탈옥을 우려한 소니와 닌텐도는 리눅스 커널 대신 소스코드 공개 의무가 없는 BSD 유닉스를 게임기에 사용 현재도 GPL 라이선스 위반은 계속되고 있는데, 2021년 비지오 TV가 GPL 라이선스 위반한 사례가 발견되었고, 원플러스폰의 경우도 사용자로 부터 리눅스 커널 공개를 압박받고 있다.…
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rust-animation project

I had used the GNOME Clutter project in the past while working on Accelerated Compositing in the WebKit clutter port. During that time, I extended the existing Clutter Actor APIs and implemented my own Actor to support CSS 3D transforms, which worked well. I even managed to run some impressive CSS 3D animation demos in the WebKit Clutter port. However, the Clutter project has lost its direction and is now almost deprecated, even though it is still used in GNOME Shell.…
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